User Guide

Getting Started

This User Guide will help you setup your account, add your websites and start viewing them in Dataviz Studio.


Setting up and using Dataviz Studio is simple and straight forward.

1. Sign Up for an account
2. Add your website in Dataviz Studio
3. Add tracking code to your website
4. Add events tracking to your website (optional)
5. View Dashboard

Account Setup

Once you have completed the signup process, you will be assigned a dedicated instance of Dataviz Studio which you can access using the link provided in the User Portal.
You would have also received an email from us providing you with the URL of your Dataviz Studio server along with the login credentials.
Please use the provided URL to visit your Dataviz Studio server and enter your credentials to login.

Once you are signed in, you would find yourself in the 'Dashboards Home Page'. Here you will find the following tabs:

1. Dashboards

Provides a list of existing Dashboards.

2. Data Tables

Here you can view statistics about different tables in the database storing page views, events and sessions information.

3. Settings

Here you can add websites and users. You can also view the 'tracking code' for each website here.

Add your websites

This section describes the step by step process to add a new website to Dataviz Studio and retreive the tracking code which you will need to insert in your website.

Step 1.

Click on the 'User Settings' tab to view the following page:

Step 2.

Click on 'Add a New Website' button and then enter the website name and URL and click 'Add Website' button.

Step 3.

After a website is successfully added, it will be visible in the Websites table. Click on the 'Show Tracking Code' button for that website to view the tracking code.

Step 4.

Copy the tracking code and insert it inside the head section of each page of your website which you would like to track, as shown below.

That's it. You can now view your traffic in the dashboard in real-time!

View your Dashboard

On the Dashboards Home Page, you can open any existing dashboard by clicking on it or you can create a new empty dashboard.

Dataviz Studio comes with a few default dashboards which are designed to provide most of the necessary information about your website analytics.

You can click on any of the available dashboards to view them. You can also make changes to the layout and color scheme of an existing dashboard and then save it as a new one.

Dashboard Overview

Dataviz Studio provides a powerful dashboard with a lot of capabilities built-in. You can use one of the many pre-built templates available to view your website traffic and events.

Following are some of the key features of the dashboard:

1. Modular Layout

You can add multiple graph modules and arrange them (resize and move) as you like and create a unique experience for yourself.

2. Color Schemes

You can choose your own colors to customize the dashboard as you like. You can save color schemes and load them as well.

3. Synchronized Modules

You can choose to make some modules on the dashboard either synchronized or unsynchronized with the dashboard. This means that any update from the dashboard would only affect the contents of synchronized modules and not affect any unsynchronized module.

4. Interactive Graphs

Dataviz Studio provides interactive graphs for a very rich user experience. You can zoom in and out of graphs. You can choose between many differnt types of graphs. You can customize various graph features like width of the bar chart or line chart and so on.

Following video showcases these features:

Add Events to your website

You can easily track custom events on your website or web application. Following are the 2 ways to capture user actions:

1. CSS Classes

You can capture a user action by simply adding a CSS Class to that HTML Element like a button for example, so whenever a user clicks on this button, an event is generated.

A simple button code looks like this:
<button class="button">Subscribe</button>

You would add a CSS Class of the following format to this button:

Where 'eventType' is the type of an event, for example: click, mouse over or any supported event listed here.
And 'eventName' is the custom name you want to assign to that event, for example: subscribe-button, signup-button, etc.

The complete code for this button will now become:
<button class="button umami--click--subscribe-button">Subscribe</button>

2. JavaScript

You can directly call Umami functions to capture any event. There are 2 ways you can do that.
To capture simple events where you don't want to specifiy an event type (it would be assigned a default event type of 'custom'), you can directly call umami(eventName) in your function as shown below:

<button id="btnSubscribe">Subscribe</button>

const myButton = document.getElementById('btnSubscribe');
myButton.onclick = () => umami('Subscription-button-click');

To capture events with both the event type and event name, you can call the umami.trackEvent(eventName, eventType) function as shown below:
<button id="btnSubscribe">Subscribe</button>

document.getElementById('btnSubscribe').addEventListener("click", function()
umami.trackEvent('Subscribe Button', 'Subscription');
} , false);

Further Reading

You can read more about tracking events directly on the Umami website here.

Create your own Dashboard

To create your own dashboard, you can either modify an existing dashboard or create a new empty dashboard. Each dashboard has it's own layout and color scheme.

When you save a dashboard, you save the entire state of the dashboard which is restored when you load the dashboard.

Sending Metrics to Dataviz Studio

Dataviz Studio uses a common metrics format which makes it easier to send and visualize metrics. In this section, we will explore how you can use the common metrics format to send metrics from a variaty of different sources to Dataviz Studio.

1. Metrics Format

2. HTTP POST Request

3. Sample Code

4. Different Sources

5. Visualizing Metrics

1. Metrics Format

The common metrics format is:
Timestamp Device Name Value Category Type
Time of Event Name of the Device/Application/Source Name of the Metric/Event Value of Metric (Numerical) Category of Metric (Optional) Type of Metric (Optional)
There are a few additional fields available: ‘type’ and ‘category’ if additional level of filtering is required. You can include the name of your device or product in the ‘name’ field as it would make it simpler to display it on a graph.

2. HTTP POST Request

To send metrics to Dataviz Studio, you simply need to use the REST API HTTP POST method with your metric data and the API Key. You can use a Python script, Perl script or a program written in any other language as it's to implmeent a simple REST API HTTP POST method. To send a single metric, please include the following fields in your HTTP POST method:

Device: Device/Server Name
Name: Name of the Metric, e.g.: CPU, Memory, Temperature, etc.
Value: Numeric value of the metric.
Time: (optional) If not present then current time will be used.

In JSON, this would look like this:
device: ‘Server Name’,
name: ‘Server Name: CPU Usage %’,
value: 10

3. Sample Code

You would need to include the API Key in your HTTP POST Request. You can obtain your API Key from the settings page in Dataviz Studio.
As an example, you can refer to the provided sample Node.js application which collects server metrics and sends it to Dataviz Studio.

In this example, we are using Node.js to send server metrics to Dataviz Studio using a library called Axios.

You can easily extend this script if you want to send more metrics/stats about your server or any process to Dataviz Studio.

4. Different Sources

Different Sources require different metrics to be collected and analyzed, that's where the common metrics format becomes very useful as you can use it in a number of different ways to acheive desired results.

Here, we will discuss a few common scenarios
Numerical: Numerical Value includes Temperature, Disk Usage, Memory Usage, or any number
state : ON / off
Multiple Choices: Option1, Option2, Option3
Application Metrics: User Interaction

5. Visualizing Metrics

Dataviz Studio automatically aggregates all Metrics received to allow for fast queries but you still have the option to access the raw data.